Results for ‘Tractors and components’
Wielschijf / Wielplaat / Wielpan
Other, Type: Wielschijf / Wielplaat / Wielpan, Used
Wielschijf / Wielplaat / Wielpan
Other, Type: Wielschijf / Wielplaat / Wielpan, Used
Wielschijf / Wielplaat / Wielpan
Other, Type: Wielschijf / Wielplaat / Wielpan, Used
Landini Mistral 50
Landini, Type: Mistral 50, Used, Year of production: 2011, Engine power: 50 hp, Engine power: 36 kW, Operating hours: 1881 hours
Massey Ferguson 1014
Massey Ferguson, Type: 1014, Used, Year of production: 1986, All-wheel-drive, Front linkage, Front-end loader, Front loader mounting frame, Front PTO, Hydraulic trailer brake, Cabin, Creeper, Engine power: 95 hp, Operating hours: 9377 hours, Maximum speed: 30 km/h, Gearbox: Syncrogear, Cylinders: 6 pcs., Tread depth on rear tyres: 60%, Forward gears: 12 pcs., Reverse gears: 4 pcs.
Fendt 714 VARIO TMS
Fendt, Type: 714 VARIO TMS, Used, Year of production: 2004
Steyr 6300 Terrus CVT
Steyr, Type: 6300 Terrus CVT, Used, Year of production: 2021
Uitzonderlijk nette originele meststrooier -JF- AV40
JF, Type: Stalmeststrooier, Used
Loof -grasriek nieuwstaat!
WIFO, Type: Loof -grasriek, Demo
Nette originele Ford 2000 met slechts 2955 eerlijke draaiuren!.
Ford, Type: 2000, Used, Engine power: 38 hp, Operating hours: 2955 hours, Maximum speed: 32 km/h, Gearbox: Syncrogear, PTO speed: 540, Cylinders: 3 pcs.
New Holland gewichten hakselaar
New Holland, Type: gewichten hakselaar, Used
schepbak 6-1 Bak
Other, Type: schepbak 6-1 Bak, New, Year of production: 2023
Massey Ferguson 5711-M DYNA-4
Massey Ferguson, Type: 5711-M DYNA-4, New, Year of production: 2023, AdBlue, All-wheel-drive, Cabin, Air-conditioning, Engine power: 110 hp, Maximum speed: 40 km/h, Cylinders: 4 pcs., Front Tyres Size: 440/65R28, Rear Tyres Size: 540/65R38
Massey Ferguson 590
Massey Ferguson, Type: 590 Multi Power, Used, Year of production: 1990, All-wheel-drive, Front loader mounting frame, Cabin, Engine power: 80 hp, Operating hours: 7070 hours, Maximum speed: 25 km/h, PTO speed: 540, Cylinders: 4 pcs., Spool (double acting): 2 pcs., Forward gears: 12 pcs., Reverse gears: 4 pcs.
Massey Ferguson 6255
Massey Ferguson, Type: 6255, Used, Year of production: 2003, All-wheel-drive, Cabin, Engine power: 95 hp, Operating hours: 9360 hours, Maximum speed: 40 km/h, PTO speed: 540/750/1000, Cylinders: 4 pcs., Front Tyres Size: 340/85R28, Tread depth on front tyres: 90%, Rear Tyres Size: 420/85R38, Tread depth on rear tyres: 90%, Spool (double acting): 3 pcs., Forward gears: 32 pcs., Reverse gears: 32 pcs.
Fendt 514 Vario S4 ProfiPlus
Fendt, Type: 514 Vario S4 ProfiPlus, Used, Year of production: 2021, AdBlue, All-wheel-drive, Pneumatic system, ELC, Front linkage, Front axle suspension system, Hydraulic trailer brake, Hydraulic steering assist system, Cabin, Air-conditioning, Creeper, Pre-equipped for Automatic steering system, Load sensing, Engine power: 150 hp, Engine power: 110 kW, Operating hours: 305 hours, Maximum speed: 50 km/h, Gearbox: Stepless gear, PTO speed: 540/540E/1000, Cylinders: 4 pcs., Front Tyres Size: 540/65R28, Tread depth on front tyres: 90%, Rear Tyres Size: 580/70R38, Tread depth on rear tyres: 90%, Spool (double acting): 4 pcs.
Massey Ferguson 5710-SL DYNA-4
Massey Ferguson, Type: 5710-SL DYNA-4, Used, Year of production: 2017, AdBlue, All-wheel-drive, Air-conditioning, Engine power: 100 hp, Operating hours: 6023 hours, Cylinders: 4 pcs., Front Tyres Size: 480/65R28, Rear Tyres Size: 600/65R38
HEFTRUCK kraanarm
Other, Type: HEFTRUCK kraanarm, Used, Year of production: 2015
Case IH Puma 165 CVX (DEMO)
Case IH, Type: Puma 165 CVX (DEMO), Demo, Year of production: 2023, All-wheel-drive
BCS Spirit 70 AR
BCS, Type: Spirit 70 AR, Used